
The Carlingup Project is comprised of eight Mining Licences and seven Exploration Licences covering an area of approximately 195km2 in the Ravensthorpe Greenstone Belt.

The area is a highly prospective geological setting for both nickel sulphides and lithium, with established mining operations and infrastructure nearby.

AM5 has continued advancing exploration for lithium via a methodical, targeted approach to gain further understanding of the geological potential. The Company believes there is considerable value yet to be discovered within the tenement package.

Prospectivity for Lithium

Lithium targets identified, with extensional work underway to generate additional targets for potential drilling.

The Company has a technical collaboration with Arcadium Limited (ASX:LTM), owner and operator of the Mt Cattlin lithium mine, 10km from the Carlingup Nickel Project.

Mt Cattlin lithium operations produced 131kt of spodumene concentrate in FY2023.

Visual spodumene identified from pegmatite grab samples from quarry, with assay results up to 5.19% Li2O.

Nickel Mineral Resources


  1. Information relating to Mineral Resources has been extracted from the Company’s announcement dated 30 March 2023 entitled ‘’Significant Upgrade of Nickel Sulphide Indicated Resources,’’ which was released to ASX and is available on the Company’s website at antaresmetals.com.au. Antares Metals confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the Company announcement and, in the case of estimates of Mineral Resources, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in that relevant ASX market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed. Antares Metals confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Persons’ findings are presented have not been materially modified from the relevant ASX market announcement.
  2. The open pit component of the sulphide mineral resources is reported at 0.3% Ni cut-off grade constrained within a Whittle pit shell optimised using US$22,747/t Ni price.
  3. RAV8 underground mineral resource is reported at 0.6% Ni cut-off grade below the Whittle pit shell (see footnote 2).
  4. John Ellis laterite resource is reported at 0.3% Ni cut-off grade and confined to tenement M74/107.